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Wilk Law Blog

Pennsylvania Car Seat Laws and Keeping Your Child Safe

Posted on 09/28/23

For parents, child safety is sure to be a top priority. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that children are not secure, especially when on the road. In fact, vehicle accidents are a leading cause of injury, and even death, in children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 711 children aged 12 and under died in vehicle

Car Totaled, Not At-Fault

Posted on 08/25/23

If you’ve experienced a car crash of any nature, you are likely familiar with the challenges that arise from managing injuries and assessing the extent of damage to your vehicle. It’s an inconvenience or traumatic event that nobody desires, and it can be compounded by concerns that insurance providers won’t operate in your best interest.

Deadly Wrong-Way Car Crashes in Pennsylvania

Posted on 08/25/23

Crashes in the US and especially in Pennsylvania are often caused by drivers traveling the wrong way, and these accidents are often catastrophic or even fatal. A lot of the deadly wrong way car accidents in Pennsylvania occur on main roads and highways. Wrong-way crashes take place when drivers inadvertently veer onto one-way streets, finding themselves

Pennsylvania Personal Injury Statute of Limitations

Posted on 07/24/23

Legal action, mainly concerning personal injury, is often time-sensitive. Waiting too long to file a claim could lead to violating the statute of limitations, a law that sets the maximum period one can wait before filing a legal claim. This would prevent a potential plaintiff from receiving due compensation. As a result, it is helpful

Determining Fault in a Rear-End Accident in Pennsylvania

Posted on 06/26/23

A rear-end collision occurs when the front end of a vehicle collides with the back of the car ahead of it while they are both traveling in the same direction. A statistical review of car accidents in Pennsylvania was completed in 2022 by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Their findings conclude that: Approximately 19.4% of crashes were